They / Them

Hi, it’s Mik!!!!!!  Lead Booking Coordinator and Head of Content Creation here at Transfiguration!

  • I’m the voice behind our monthly newsletters and the hands behind the camera of our youtube videos. :) I spend my days here at Transfiguration doing scheduling-based magic tricks, curating our social media, inventorying the products you love, and perhaps most importantly- giving ‘haircuts’ of my own to our many voraciously growing plants! If you are a regular patron of Transfiguration, I’m sure we’ll be chatting it up at some point. While being front-facing with people can be some other people's nightmare, I truly enjoy it and I hope you feel that in our interactions! <3

  • As a Leo sun, double Taurus moon & rising, I’m a big lover of all things colorful, cute, comfy, AND cozy! I’m always down to talk about tv, books, or movies (especially if it’s content created for kids- let me know if you need any recommendations!!). Day to day my favorite place to hang out is on my South Philly roof deck watching the pigeons with my 2 cats, Darla and Slug. I’m crafty to my core and am usually creating something for one of my high-production-value theme parties. This often has me doing all sorts of repurposing & creating which has resulted in a dress made of barbie doll dresses, XL mushroom houses turned cat hideouts, and micro link rainbow garlands as far as the eye can see.

    • I’m coordinating on Tuesdays & Wednesdays, so you can come find me behind the desk or call me/beep me on the Transfig shop phone with any questions!

    • Thursday & Friday I am camping out in our basement doing content creation, inventory, and keeping Angel’s Gemini brain on track.

    • In my heart I refuse the concepts of binary gender, capitalism, and “too many exclamation points”!!!!!

    • I deeply believe in the powers of self-reflection, honest communication, communal resilience, natural magic, and queer love!

    • Fiona & Cake, Nancy Drew, and Dragula are my current fave shows.